Sunday 12 June 2011

reiki the touch therapy

THE TOUCH THERAPY                                                                                                                         REIKI '                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  REIKI WORD IS MADE FROM       REI       AND        KI .                                                          WHICH MEANS THE UNIVERSAL GOD ENERGY .                                                                        WITH THE HELP OF REIKI WE HEAL OUR SELF .OTHERS AND OUR EARTH ALSO
'THE TUOCH THERAPY ' REIKI                                   reiki is made from rei and ki ..... which means universal god energy . with the help of reiki we help our self and others and this world also ..and much more ........                                                         

Tuesday 19 April 2011


'REIKI"  word made from rey ....     reiki the touch therapy ... rediscovered by DR MIKAO USUI